BL960, with its very high output and far-reaching airflow, is ideally suited for cleaning wide large areas. The reverse exhaust spout is hydraulically adjustable from the driver’s seat. This makes its operation very easy. When changing the direction of travel and driving back, you can still blow in the same direction using the reverse exhaust spout. You can blow to the left or right of the machine. And, if you set the exhaust spout at half height, you can blow on both sides. Thus, cleaning your paths and roads in one pass.
- Weight: 405 kg
- Transmission: PTO
- Rotations per minute PTO: 540 rpm
- Turbine diameter: 96 cm
- Required power of vehicle: >45 hp
- Necessary hydraulics: 120 bar – 15 l/min
- 3-point hitch: Cat. I-II
- Air flow: 23100 m³/h
- Required hydraulic connections: 1 x double acting